Here in Kauai, it's Mango season. I am so blessed to have a friend who has, no not just one tree, but TWO MANGO TREES, in her backyard. Not only does she have these trees, she's the type of gal who wants to give, and share all that she has with those around her! I mean, can I get a THANK YOU JESUS, FOR MY SISTER IN CHRIST!
And these aren't just any type of mangoes, these are Haydens. And if you know your types of mangoes, Haydens are basically the most sought after mangoes because of their smaller pits, silky smooth and juice orange pulp/flesh, and its a little glimpse of how heaven on Earth tastes like.
Don't believe me? Go to a market, and buy one and try it and let me know what you think.
and those are just the "Ready to eat" pile she so kindly gifted us, The Cash Family <3
So I titled this post: "How do you start off your day?"
I ask, because today although has delicious treats and a perfect oatmeal made in the TM6, I felt I started off "on the wrong side of the bed" as my mother would state. I have been pretty good lately at waking up early with Hubby, who gets up around 5:30-6AM to head to work 40 mins from here.
It's been a sweet time to just get up and start the day with Jesus. Usually, when I do that, my day is S.E.T. I am armored up, and ready for what the day brings me. But, for some reason, today the first thing I did, was get into my texts messages, respond, forward information, and then....instagram. Ugh. That became real fleshy real fast. I messaged a sister of mine with scripture in hopes she would receive love from it, and I'm praying she didn't have a chance to read them before I finally deleted the whole thing.
I should have prayed first. Asking Father God, if that was HIS will to be done.... not take things into my own hands and control. Then of course that became an entire open door for condemnation, and how I seem to be "messing up" all the time....So I immediately repented and although I'm trying to now get into the word, I still felt called to pray. be with Him. Be calm. And then the verse of the day came up:
“And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”
Galatians 5:24 NKJV
I mean how appropriate. So what are your passions and desires?
Mine are to help others, and be the best I can be. Which sounds great...but if they aren't done through and with Christ's power and guide can turn incredibly dark, selfish, manipulative, and prideful. And hey, might sound harsh, but I'm trying to be honest with myself, as I know that:
But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.
Ephesians 5:13 NIV
And the crazy part is, I spoke to someone I could trust about this very thing to someone just the day before. I mean ... C'mon! But, I will not let my old woman make me believe that I have been defeated! No on the contrary, as He uses all things for good, I trust that this is an opportunity to humble myself a bit more than I ever have before and surrender a lot more than I have ever thought I could, to Him and what He has predestined me to do for His glory and kingdom.
Prayer for today, and I hope for you as well:
Lord, Abba, Heavenly Father whom I trust and know You care about me, help me. Give me Your strength, Your wisdom, Your discernment, and Your peace and timing on all things I will be involved with today. Lord, only You know what You have predestined me to walk into, and as a child of God, chosen by You, I surrender my self to You completely. I know that Your will is far better than anything I may come up with, and trust that you will guide me in Your righteousness and Your glory. Help me stay out of Your throne and continue to teach me how to humble myself and serve all with meekness and humility. Lord, I am hungry for Your love and for Your guidance. Teach me Your ways, and I ask that if You have any specific scriptures or words of Yours that I need to meditate upon, You will place it upon my heart, have it come up clearly to be understood and recognized, or use others to rebuke and speak it into my life. Thank You for everything You do in my life and in all that I love and surround me. I dedicate my body as a holy and living sacrifice to You, and pray all of this In Christ Jesus' mighty name. The name that is truly above ALL names. Amen.