Have you ever went to the doctor for a checkup, feeling great, excited to hear you’re a healthy being, a rare specimen that has no pain or issues, and just looking for the doctor to confirm your health in a professional manner, and instead you walk out finding out you have A,B,and C issues, need Antibiotics right away, special medications to keep your A,B, and C diagnosis in check, and make an appointment in two weeks to trail progress?

As a new mom, there’s a lot of figuring out how to be a mom. Having our daughter has been such a blessing. She is our faith baby, and as a Christ follower and servant, i wanted and still want to do this given ministry from God as faithfully as I can. I’ve had to learn how to pray before, during, and after events.
Take in given information, and test which spirit it comes from.
Learn to set boundaries for myself to keep myself from being overwhelmed and exhausted .
Speak clearly to help others understand, and where we can sharpen iron with iron. stop internalizing
allow myself to be vulnerable
ask for help when truly needed
share truth of well-being with husband
be careful with who I ask advice from
seek wise counsel
ask for prayers
give it all to God and ask for His continual guidance in EVERYTHING.
For more about my pregnancy journey click here.
So as many of you know, or have figured out by now, and if not, I’m grateful to be sharing this with you so you can be gracious and loving about it when this happens to you, Everyone has an opinion about whatever you are experiencing. And even if you did not ask for it, it will be shared with you, you will be criticized if you’re doing something differently, and you will be judged and sometimes condemned.
We are in a spiritual warfare. God made that certain, and clear in His Word. Thankfully we have His unimaginable and surpassing peace,joy,love,understanding, compassion, and Spirit He has given us to live in and by.
people share, judge, etc… because in short, it’s their sideways way of caring and loving on you. It’s the Worldly way of doing so. God has a different way and it’s kinder, filled with goodness, and love. I was able to forgive easily those not so kind moments other moms, or people shared when I was given this realization from God. He wants us to serve. When Mary had baby Jesus, she had visitors from far away come to visit her, offering the best gifts, knowing that Jesus was their promised messiah.
I can only imagine the talks about the conditions of the barn, with livestock around this newborn that was God incarnated as a man. I tried my entire pregnancy to remember Mary and baby Jesus. Making sure I followed His example from 5he beginning to the end.

So what about medical bullying? And what is it? And how to overcome it?
Medical bullying is some I’ve been using and naming after specific events I’ve had the pleasure of undergoing. I’m not sure if it’s a term used elsewhere, but as I define it, its when a health care provider of any stature uses their given knowledge to bully you in what they are helping you with. For example:
when our daughter was born, I had written a birth plan. My birth plan specifically asked not to vaccinate our newborn, for any reason, because we wish to establish a relationship with a pediatrician first. [I felt like I had gone out of my way to explain so there would be no confusion, or issue on our birth day.] I had to deny two vaccines the day I gave birth, a 31 hour labor & delivery journey, by the way, had to sign three papers explaining the denial and consequences of doing so, AND THEN had the nurse tell me orally after all of this that if I didn’t give these vaccines to my newborn she would “God forbid, she could bleed out to death and die”.
there is so much wrong with all of this that I am wanting to share this awareness with other moms, to be moms, or anyone who is fed up with feeling shamed for doing something differently and trust their instincts. a week later the hospital pediatrician tried to tell us if we didn’t put an antibiotic cream on my newborn’s umbilical cord she would die. I mean come on. Everything leads to death I get that, and thankfully Jesus took that fear away or my child would be two weeks, already given antibiotics, two vaccines, three different types of supplements and who knows what it would be on week three.
I took three years of pre-med in college and learned how to do medical research,and make proper assessment and diagnosis on basic ailments. But I can’t help thinking of tho who have not and as a consequence feel totally dependent on these doctors, nurses, and other health care physicians.
Have you ever went to the doctor for a checkup, feeling great, excited to hear you’re a healthy being, a rare specimen that has no pain or issues, and just looking for the doctor to confirm your health in a professional manner, and instead you walk out finding out you have A,B,and C issues, need Antibiotics right away, special medications to keep your A,B, and C diagnosis in check, and make an appointment in two weeks to trail progress?
As a new mom, there’s a lot of figuring out how to be a mom. Having our daughter has been such a blessing. She is our faith baby, and as a Christ follower and servant, i wanted and still want to do this given ministry from God as faithfully as I can. I’ve had to learn how to pray before, during, and after events.
Take in given information, and test which spirit it comes from.
Learn to set boundaries for myself to keep myself from being overwhelmed and exhausted .
Speak clearly to help others understand, and where we can sharpen iron with iron. stop internalizing
allow myself to be vulnerable
ask for help when truly needed
share truth of well-being with husband
be careful with who I ask advice from
seek wise counsel
ask for prayers
give it all to God and ask for His continual guidance in EVERYTHING.
For more about my pregnancy journey click here.
So as many of you know, or have figured out by now, and if not, I’m grateful to be sharing this with you so you can be gracious and loving about it when this happens to you, Everyone has an opinion about whatever you are experiencing. And even if you did not ask for it, it will be shared with you, you will be criticized if you’re doing something differently, and you will be judged and sometimes condemned.
We are in a spiritual warfare. God made that certain, and clear in His Word. Thankfully we have His unimaginable and surpassing peace,joy,love,understanding, compassion, and Spirit He has given us to live in and by.
people share, judge, etc… because in short, it’s their sideways way of caring and loving on you. It’s the Worldly way of doing so. God has a different way and it’s kinder, filled with goodness, and love. I was able to forgive easily those not so kind moments other moms, or people shared when I was given this realization from God. He wants us to serve. When Mary had baby Jesus, she had visitors from far away come to visit her, offering the best gifts, knowing that Jesus was their promised messiah.
I can only imagine the talks about the conditions of the barn, with livestock around this newborn that was God incarnated as a man. I tried my entire pregnancy to remember Mary and baby Jesus. Making sure I followed His example from 5he beginning to the end.
So what about medical bullying? And what is it? And how to overcome it?
Medical bullying is some I’ve been using and naming after specific events I’ve had the pleasure of undergoing. I’m not sure if it’s a term used elsewhere, but as I define it, its when a health care provider of any stature uses their given knowledge to bully you in what they are helping you with. For example:
when our daughter was born, I had written a birth plan. My birth plan specifically asked not to vaccinate our newborn, for any reason, because we wish to establish a relationship with a pediatrician first. [I felt like I had gone out of my way to explain so there would be no confusion, or issue on our birth day.] I had to deny two vaccines the day I gave birth, a 31 hour labor & delivery journey, by the way, had to sign three papers explaining the denial and consequences of doing so, AND THEN had the nurse tell me orally after all of this that if I didn’t give these vaccines to my newborn she would “God forbid, she could bleed out to death and die”.
there is so much wrong with all of this that I am wanting to share this awareness with other moms, to be moms, or anyone who is fed up with feeling shamed for doing something differently and trust their instincts.

a week later the hospital pediatrician tried to tell us if we didn’t put an antibiotic cream on my newborn’s umbilical cord she would die. I mean come on. Everything leads to death I get that, and thankfully Jesus took that fear away or my child would be two weeks, already given antibiotics, two vaccines, three different types of supplements and who knows what it would be on week three.
I took three years of pre-med in college and learned how to do medical research,and make proper assessment and diagnosis on basic ailments. But I can’t help thinking of tho who have not and as a consequence feel totally dependent on these doctors, nurses, and other health care physicians.
I’m hoping the awareness of medical bullying will give us, the patient, more confidence in a more hands off approach. That to resolve medical issues can start with trying to get to the root of the issue gradually, instead of aggressively. That there’s a lot to learn still and a cure-all pill is NOT ALWAYS, and usually not even close, the best way to heal a medical problem. To use fear to have patients comply is bullying. To use knowledge in a forceful and manipulative manner is bullying. To use your professional stance to influence others without options is medical bullying. With this awareness, we can help our healthcare system be more compassionate, caring, loving, and more effective instead of destructive, fearful, and profit driven. Medicine shouldn’t be feared, it should be respected from being wise, honest, and practiced to help people live better lives.

I’m hoping the awareness of medical bullying will give us, the patient, more confidence in a more hands off approach. That to resolve medical issues can start with trying to get to the root of the issue gradually, instead of aggressively. That there’s a lot to learn still and a cure-all pill is NOT ALWAYS, and usually not even close, the best way to heal a medical problem. To use fear to have patients comply is bullying. To use knowledge in a forceful and manipulative manner is bullying. To use your professional stance to influence others without options is medical bullying. With this awareness, we can help our healthcare system be more compassionate, caring, loving, and more effective instead of destructive, fearful, and profit driven. Medicine shouldn’t be feared, it should be respected from being wise, honest, and practiced to help people live better lives.
