Kauai's Cooking
Making one meal at a time, on a little island in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean.
" I grew up in France originally, where delicious meals was experienced at home, amongst family and friends, and with ingredients you knew exactly where they came from."

It all starts for me as a new believer in Christ Jesus...
What was my reason...
When I finally gave my life to God, He introduced me to His Son Jesus, and on the 7th day of spending time with Father God. Only then, was I truly ready to receive Jesus. I was driving and could hear as clearly as if someone had been in the car with me, talking to me..."Will you pick up your cross daily, and follow Me?" I knew it was Jesus. I had no idea what that meant. I spoke back out loud asking: " what does that mean? do I sell my truck? get rid of my studio? live on the beach... cause I'll do it!" His reply was a friendly chuckle, and a kind answer: "All you have to do is seek and get to know Me a little more every day." I knew that I could do that.
I then had a yearning deep down in my heart to get baptized. I wanted to make this gesture that seemed so personal and between God and I. And He had my local pastor, at the time ask the congregation if anyone would be interested in getting baptized that same week I truly asked God if I should get baptized!
I felt as though God Himself, was inviting me to this public declaration and celebration of being a new creation and a true Christ Follower. I felt seen and loved by our God, and was so excited and honored to love someone who loved me long before I even knew existed. God, truly was always there for me.
Then what?
Two years later, here I am... Married to my best friend who spoke to me about Jesus throughout our adventures, pregnant with our first child, and working for a local church I absolutely call home and love. I started this site not really knowing why, but God is faithful to those who believe and obey. I knew I had to write, create, and now... I'm slowly understanding it's part of a bigger plan of His. Welcome to my next adventure!
Let us inspire one another.
« As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. » proverb 27:17
My purpose in writing this blog is to keep the fire I have burning for Jesus, to spread His love, and share the love I have for food with you!

Blogging About what is going on, with a focus on Christ.

One Body, One Mind
Let us Renew our minds, one day at a time.
Hopefully, what I share here, will not only help me, but help you, which essentially will help us as one.